How to Raise Local Resources

As your team makes plans for reaching your campus and building a movement, you will discover you have some needs.
How to Cast Vision

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership …
Time Management

There are 168 hours in each week. How do we find time for what matters most?
Leading after Graduation

Life On Mission (100% Sent) offers practical tips and tools to transition well to your next stage of life.
Nehemiah – Heart of a Leader

But Nehemiah was a spiritual leader and the book of Nehemiah is somewhat unique in the meticulous details…
Potential Pitfalls of a Leader

Whether you see it or not, in all seriousness, there could be hundreds or thousands of students’ lives changed on this campus…
Movement Planner Chart

A Spiritual Movement is God working through teams of like-hearted disciples, to win, build, and send toward…
Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan PDF