
As your team makes plans for reaching your campus and building a movement, you will discover you have some needs.

Perhaps you need to get a flier printed, or reserve a room to meet in, or order pizza for an evangelistic Bible study, etc. Costs can add up.

This is an opportunity to invite others to become involved.

There are people in the community who would be grateful to know your hearts and desire to reach students on your campus. Given the opportunity, they would be happy to contribute to your success by helping financially.


1. You want to have your plans for the next few months be clear. Prepare a single sheet of paper with:

  1. your mission, your goals;
  2. your approach;
  3. what it will likely cost;
  4. what you think the results could be;
  5. what you want them to consider doing.

2. Make a list of people who might be interested in helping your team. It might be people in your church, friends on other campuses, relatives, coworkers, etc.

3. Set aside time to call them and ask if you could meet with them for 15 minutes, to briefly explain what you’re seeking to do on campus. On the phone you could say…

[if you know the person]

I and [5] other students at [our university] are wanting to reach students on this campus with the gospel and help build believers who will continue to reach still others. We have a plan in place and we’re looking for ministry partners who might be able to help us these goals.

It crossed my mind that you might be interested in hearing about what we’re doing and might want to invest in it. Would it be possible for me to meet with you for 15 minutes to show it to you?

[if you don’t know the person, but someone else suggested their name]

May I speak to [contact’s name]? [Person who referred you] suggested that I give you a call. My name is _____, I and [5] other students at [our university] are wanting to reach students on this campus with the gospel and help build believers who will continue to reach still others. We have a plan in place and we’re looking for ministry partners who might be able to help us these goals.

[Person who referred you] thought that you might be interested in hearing about what we’re doing and might want to invest in it. Would it be possible for me to meet with you for 15 minutes to show it to you?

If the person says:

Yes – set a time & place to meet. Offer to come to them or meet somewhere, whichever is easier for them.

No, not interested – ask if they know someone who they think would enjoy hearing about what you are doing.

Interested but don’t have time to meet – say you are looking for people who could contribute [$50] this semester, and whom you would send a report on what was accomplished.


Show them the one-page presentation you have prepared that includes:

  1. your mission, your goals;
  2. your approach;
  3. what it will likely cost;
  4. what you think the results could be;
  5. what you want them to consider doing.

Be clear about what you are asking them to do and how exactly they can act on it. (Leave that paper with them when you leave, with your contact information on it.)

Also feel free to ask them to become prayer partners with you or become advisers to you in your planning. There might be other ways they would like to be involved.

Just like in every other aspect of ministry, in raising local funds or resources, you need to be bold, take the initiative, follow where God leads, and leave the results up to God.

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