
It is important to know how to lead a student into a relationship with Jesus.

There are many students who would begin a relationship with God today if someone simply told them how. You could ask, “Has anyone ever shared with you how you can know God in a personal way?”

After they reply, you can then say, “I have found that God wants us to enjoy a personal relationship with him, where we experience his love and direction in our lives.”

Then ask, “May I take five minutes and show you how a person can begin a personal relationship with God?”


Here is a simple way to share the gospel message with others using the Four Spiritual Laws Booklet. 

It is available in several formats:

  1. as a web page (mobile, laptop, tablet)
  2. as a mobile app:
          Every Student app
          GodTools app
  3. in print format:
          Purchase booklets


We have found it fruitful to simply read the gospel message to a student, out loud, word-for-word.

If the person asks questions while presenting it to them say, “That’s a great question. Could we talk about that at the end?”

We recommend you get together with another believer and practice. You read to that person, then switch, and they read it to you.

When you get toward the end, and you’ve read the prayer to invite Jesus into your life, you ask the person just as it says, “Does this prayer express the desire of your heart?”

If the person says “Yes” then you say, “How about if I say each phrase and you can repeat it after me?”

If the person says “No” or “Not right now” then you say, “If you need time to think about it or you have questions about God that you would like to consider on your own in private, let me give you this website.” Write down, or text it to them, or hand them a card about it.

( is our Cru evangelistic site. It is available in 45+ languages, and more than 1,000 people every day tell us they’ve asked Jesus into their lives on it. It addresses many of the questions nonbelievers have about God. You can confidently offer this site to students who do not yet know God.)


If they do pray to receive Christ, continue to read through to the end of the booklet with them. This will help them to have assurance of their salvation and give them some key steps to growing in their new faith.

We also suggest two resources for beginning to disciple new believers:

  • First Steps – App available at Google Play and Apple Store.
  • The Spiritual Starter Kit –  It’s a 7-part email series to help them begin growing right away.Go to: Starting With God and let her enter her email address in the signup box.

Also ask if you could meet with them again in a few days to help them begin to grow in this new relationship with God. Try to set a specific time and place right then.


  1. Bring someone with you so they can see you share the gospel.
  2. Then switch roles and you watch them share with someone.
  3. Offer helpful feedback.
  4. Encourage them to continue sharing the gospel with their friends, maybe inviting a new believer to join with them.

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